Faculty of Engineering foundation
1. General introduction
The Faculty of Engineering Foundation, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering was established on July 18th, 2023 according to Decision no 911/QĐ- ĐHCN. The Faculty is built on the basis of inheriting the tradition of the Department of Strength Mechanics and that of Drawing - Technical Drawing under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which was established in 2005. By December 2021, in order to prepare conditions for the establishment of the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, the Department of Basic Engineering was established on the basis of the joint Department of Strength Mechanics and Drawing-Technical Drawing. The Faculty consists of 03 main specialized groups: Graphic Design, Mechanics - Strengths, Basic Design and teaching of modules such as Theoretical Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Principle - Machine Parts, Strength of Materials, Machine Dynamics, Mechanics of deformable solids, Applied mechanics, Engineering thermodynamics, Dynamics of multibody systems, Friction in structures, Reliability and longevity of mechanical equipment, CAD, Technical Drawing, Industrial safety and environment.
2. Organizational structure
Dean of Faculty
Ạssociate. Prof. Dr. Phung Xuan Son
Email: phungxuanson@gmail.com
Vice Dean of Faculty
Associate. Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Minh Hue
Email: phamthiminhhue@haui.edu.vn
With a team of scientists and lecturers, the Faculty currently has 18 lecturers including 03 lecturers being Associate Professor, 05 lecturers having PhD degree, 02 lecturers being postgraduates and 08 lecturers having Master degree. All of them have good specialized knowledge, teaching experience, enthusiasm, and passion. Moreover, they have many scientific research works at the State/Ministry/Province/City and publish numerous textbooks. The Faculty has sufficient capacity to meet all training needs at all levels from bachelor of engineering, engineer, master and coordinate with other faculties to construct training programs, teaching plan, study plan for basic modules for the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Technical Drawing for other Engineering majors such as the Faculty of Electricity, Faculty of Chemical Technology.
3. Modules Teaching
The Faculty currently is responsible for teaching 19 undergraduate basic modules of all majors and 05 postgraduate modules. Lecturers of the Faculty being Associate Professor participate in training more than 1000 students each year. Up to now, the Faculty's lecturers have successfully guided 25 graduate students in Mechanical Engineering and Textile Materials Technology. The modules are designed according to CDIO and ABET standards, which are always innovated and updated step by step to integrate internationally. With flexible teaching methods, the combination of traditional teaching methods with blended learning has brought students experience in technology, proactive thinking and improved expertise and lesson quality.
4. Scientific research activities
Scientific research and technology transfer activities have always been focused on development. From the period of 2013-2023 to now, the Faculty has published around 350 scientific articles in prestigious international and domestic journals, including 05 Q1 articles and over 30 ISI and Scopus index articles; Faculty’s lecturers have also chaired 01 State-level project, 04 Ministry and Provincial-level projects, 08 School-level projects and participated in over 46 State-level, Ministry and Provincial-level and institutional projects. The Faculty had 01 exclusive patent, chaired and participated in compiling 18 textbooks and monographs. Testing, consulting and technology transfer activities, projects serving community needs have been carried out effectively and have contributed significantly to the overall success of the Faculty and the School. The number of publications by lecturers, postgraduates and students has continuously increased over the years, effectively contributing to improving the international ranking position of the Faculty, contributing to training, program accreditation and university ranking.
5. Address
Office: Room 202, A10 Building, Hanoi University of Industry, No 298, Cau Dien Street, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi
Email: khoaktcs.ckoto.haui@gmail.com; fef.smae@haui.edu.vn
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