Transport Mechanical Engineering

Transport Mechanical Engineering

Transport Mechanical Engineering

1.Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1: Students have basic knowledge of natural and social science, political science and law and learn for a lifelong.

PEO 2: Have solid practical knowledge, comprehensive and specialized theoretical knowledge in the scope of Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

PEO 3: Have skills of critical thinking, issue detection; evaluate and improve efficiently activities in Transport Mechanical Engineering field. Have skills of conveying issues and solutions to others at workplace; work in groups; have the level 3 in foreign language level according to the 6-level foreign language competency framework in Vietnam;

PEO 4: Students have professional attitude and working style; plan, coordinate and manage resources; guide, supervise others to perform tasks; work independently or in groups; have responsibility for themselves and for the group; have self-direction and make professional conclusions, protect personal opinion.

2. Student Outcomes

SO 1: Apply basic knowledge of social science, political science and law to resolve issues in Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 2: Apply basic knowledge in mathematics and natural science to resolve issues in Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 3: Apply basic knowledge in information technology to meet job requirements in Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 4: Analyze extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the scope of Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 5: Plan, organize, supervise, manage, operate professional activities in Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 6: Have the level 3 in foreign language level according to the 6-level foreign language competency framework in Vietnam.

SO 7: Detect and resolve issues related to Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 8: Evaluate and improve efficiently activities related to research, operation and exploitation in Transport Mechanical Engineering field.

SO 9: Perform the ability of conveying issues and solutions towards others at workplace.

SO 10: Perform with professional attitude and working style.

SO 11: Orient, give professional conclusions and can protect the personal opinion; have the responsibility for individual and for the group.

3. Career opportunities after graduation:

Students after graduation can take on the following jobs:

- Operate, supervise components manufacturing and assemble automobiles, dynamic machines;

- Manage, supervise at repair facilities for automobiles and dynamic machines;

- Inspect at automotive registration stations;

- Do business automobiles, dynamic machines and automotive components

- Teach and research at central research establishments, research institutes about Transport Mechanical Engineering.

4. Framework program of classes majoring in Transport Mechanical Engineering.

* Framework program of K19 majoring in Transport Mechanical Engineering.

* Framework program of K18 majoring in Transport Mechanical Engineering

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