Master's Programs - Mechanical Engineering

Master of Mechanical Engineering

1. Program Educational Objectives

PEO 1: Have in-depth and advanced knowledge in designing and manufacturing, modeling and optimizing the manual process, measurement technique and evaluating the precise degree of the manual.

PEO 2: Have multidisciplinary knowledge in advanced materials, advanced manual technology, mechanical process design; have basic knowledge in management, social science, politics and law to develop comprehensively.

PEO 3: Have skills in using modern tools, conducting experiments to detect, innovate and enhance the quality of products/mechanical process; have skills in analyzing, generating, evaluating and proposing solutions to resolve technical issues in the field of mechanical engineering.

PEO 4: Have skills in self-researching, presenting scientific issues, conveying knowledge, managing, administering, organizing specialized group activities, using foreign languages in multidisciplinary and international work environments.

PEO 5: Have the responsibility for work, profession, environment and society; have the capacity to research in developing specialized affairs; have the ability to be self-adaptive in a fluctuating work environment; have the ability to be self-directed and guide other personnel.

2. Student Outcomes

SO 1: Have the ability to apply in-depth knowledge in mathematics, natural science, fundamentals of major, major, advanced technology and basic knowledge in management and relevant majors to resolve issues in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

SO 2: Have the ability to experiment, measure, analyze results, draw solutions and resolve issues scientifically.

SO 3: Have the ability to organize, manage and communicate efficiently by using verbal and nonverbal communications in studies, research and work.

SO 4: Have the foreign language proficiency level 4/6 according to the Vietnamese’s foreign language proficiency framework.

SO 5: Have skills in researching, developing and using technology creatively in academics and profession.

SO 6: Have the ability to be self-adaptive with fluctuating work environments, be self-oriented to research in developing specialized affairs, orient and guide other personnel in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Have the ability to convey and publicize specialized knowledge.

3. Annual students enrollment and graduation statistics table.

4. Framework programs of classes majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Framework program of K13 majoring in Mechanical Engineering

Framework program of K12 majoring in Mechanical Engineering

Framework program of K11 majoring in Mechanical Engineering

Framework program of K10 majoring in Mechanical Engineering

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