A Path of Dual Mastery: A Remarkable Journey in Engineering Education

In the realm of academia, there exist individuals whose thirst for knowledge transcends conventional boundaries. Tran Duc Do, a male student hailing from the halls of Hanoi University of Industry, is a shining example of such a trailblazer. Graduating simultaneously from two distinct programs - Mechanical Engineering Technology and Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology - within five years, Do's journey epitomizes dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence.

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Pham Nhat Tam: A Bright Face of the Faculty of Industrial Systems

In the bustling corridors of the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering at Hanoi University of Industry, there is a name that shines brightly among the students - Pham Nhat Tam. As a female student with a passion for machinery, technology, and modern management processes, Tam embodies the spirit of innovation and determination that defines the Faculty of Industrial Systems.

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Tran Quang Trung: An Excellent Student in Mechatronics Engineering Technology

Tran Quang Trung emerged as a shining star, the valedictorian of the Mechatronics Engineering Technology major for the class of 2023DHCODT01 - K18 at Hanoi University of Industry. His journey to this pinnacle of academic achievement is not just a tale of academic prowess but also one of humility and dedication.

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Hoang Minh Hieu: A Dynamic Student in Robotics

In the dynamic landscape of education and technology, individuals like Hoang Minh Hieu stand out as beacons of dedication, enthusiasm, and innovation. As a 3rd-year student majoring in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (HaUI), Hieu has carved a remarkable path for himself as an active class representative and captain of the DCN-SMAE robotics team, dedicating his efforts to empower youth through technology and leadership.

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Part-Time Internships: Enhancing Practical Skills for Students

On the morning of March 20, 2024, the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (SMAE) took a significant step towards bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications by organizing a part-time internship seminar for its students. This initiative aimed to highlight the vital role of accumulating practical knowledge and developing professional skills crucial for success in production and business environments.

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